Sixth grade is a big year for our students as they continue to grow in their role as school leaders. Learning continues to be increasingly personalized as students are given more choice, are challenged to think critically, expand their scope, and take risks. 

Students are given the opportunity to lead the Student Council and participate in Bigs and Littles, a unique program that partners an older student with a kindergarten student for memorable activities throughout the year, including a field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens.

  • Students read both fiction and nonfiction texts. Many of these books are related to concepts we are learning about in social studies and science. Our teachers emphasize providing tools and reading strategies for both fiction and non-fiction materials to help students take on increasingly complex texts.

    Students read novels in small groups and facilitate book discussions that focus on genre, theme, and other literary elements.

    In writing, we focus on narratives, persuasive essays, poetry, and research writing. An emphasis is placed on students attaining strong research skills. 

  • Sixth grade math is divided into general math and algebra. Both programs focus on solving simple and multi-step linear equations containing decimals and fractions, establishing ratios and proportions, solving percents in real-life scenarios, and manipulating and exploring both 2-D and 3-D figures and attributes. Students taking algebra also study variables and the rules for manipulating them in formulas. 

  • Our science program is inquiry-based and requires students to design experiments to test their understanding of science content and concepts. Our curriculum comes from FOSS (Full Option Science System) and Delta Science Modules. These programs bridge research and practice by providing tools and strategies to engage students in enduring experiences and hands-on-experiments that lead to a deeper understanding of the natural and designed worlds. 

    In sixth grade, our units of study are cell structures, bacteria/viruses, rocks and minerals, and chemical changes/states of matter. 

  • Sixth grade focuses on the geographic features of the eastern hemisphere, its early history, cultural development, and economic changes. Sixth graders study the different river civilizations in Africa and Asia, including their governments, cultures, and economic systems. Students also study contemporary regional characteristics, the movement of people, and cultural diversity. 

  • Art and gym meet twice weekly, and music and Spanish meet once weekly. Fifth and sixth grade students have STEAM in our STEAM lab and makerspace, The Curiosity Center, once a week, and a weekly visit to the library. Cybersecurity and digital citizenship are important lessons for our students. We help them create a digital toolkit that includes keyboarding skills, familiarity with productivity tools including Google Suite, knowledge of coding and robotics, and how to behave in a tech-savvy manner. Once a week, our school counselor leads a class session using the Sources of Strength curriculum. This curriculum is designed to increase well-being, help-seeking, resiliency, healthy coping, and belonging.

  • Sixth graders take on strong leadership roles. Each student has the chance to lead and teach their peers in daily morning prayers, Friday Shabbat Shirah (Sing), and special projects throughout the year.

    Students deepen and expand their abilities in conversational Hebrew utilizing Ulpan Or (an online self-paced program that focuses on fun ways of speaking Hebrew).

    As we focus on critical thinking and critical reading skills, rabbinic texts are introduced to add richness to Jewish studies. Students are asked to consider Jewish wisdom historically and in their daily lives by reading and debating various Jewish texts. They explore ethical mitzvot (commandments) and participate in a variety of service-learning projects.

    The service learning components begin with studying rabbinic concepts related to tzedakah (charity). Building on that learning, they create a school-wide food and necessities drive that educates the Rockwern community while gathering essential items. In coordination with the Barbash Vital Support Center, the students deliver these essentials to the center and spend a morning volunteering there, transforming their learning into action.  

    A key component of sixth grade is participation in the Jewish Court of All Time (JCAT). In this project-based online simulation, students develop research, public speaking, teamwork, and critical thinking skills as they tackle real-world issues while taking on the persona of a famous Jewish historical figure. 

    The sixth grade curriculum focuses on Jewish identity, continuity, and diversity. The history of the Holocaust is studied. Students also learn more about modern Israel, and they are able to continue practicing their Hebrew not only with each other, but also with the Chaverim (friends from Israel) who visit Rockwern regularly.  

    Sixth graders become leaders in the upper grade electives. Some past offerings have included Dreidels & Dragons, Jewish STEAM, and Top Chef Israel. Students can also opt into an additional STEAM class or an
    additional Judaic studies class twice a week.