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Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO)

Ohio Tax Credit for Donations


Your donation dollars go to Rockwern and you will receive a full tax credit.

Through the Ohio Tax Credit Scholarship Program, Ohio taxpayers can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit up to $1,500 ($1,500 for married couples filing jointly as long as each individual makes separate contributions; $750 for individual tax filers) for donations made to a certified Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO).

Rockwern is able to receive funds through the SGO created by the Ohio Association of Independent Schools (OAIS).  When you make a donation through the OAIS SGO directed to Rockwern Academy, you will receive a tax credit.

To donate, please visit this page. After you make your donation and designate it for the Rockwern Academy scholarship fund, you may then print the receipt for your gift to submit with your Ohio tax return to claim your dollar-for-dollar tax credit. To receive a credit on your 2024 tax return, you must make the donation by April 15, 2025. SGO donations made by ACH and paper checks need to be received by April 3, 2025 in order to be claimed on 2024 taxes.

Should a taxpayer donate more than the taxpayer’s income tax liability, the credit will reduce the taxpayer’s liability to zero; it will not create a refund. As with any tax related matter, we encourage you to contact your tax advisor for guidance.

We are grateful for this support of Rockwern in addition to your Annual Campaign support!